According to Ayurveda, health is not defined as being disease-free. It is the state of normalcy of the three doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha, which broadly represent the nervous system, the metabolic system, and the nutritive system.

These doshas keep the human body, mind, and emotions in balance. A disease is manifested when the delicate balance between the doshas is disturbed. An Ayurvedic cleanse draws out the toxins from the body, also drawing out excess vata, pitta, and kapha from the tissues into the digestive tract in order to eliminate them. This, in turn, unblocks the channels and restores balance. This cleanse is known as Panchakarma, which literally means five actions or procedures. It is a method of cleansing the body of all unwanted waste after lubricating the body. This treatment is highly beneficial as it includes preventive and curative actions for various diseases.

Benefits of Panchakarma

  • Cleared toxins from the entire system
  • Balanced doshas
  • Healed digestive system
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Decreased stress
  • Anti-aging
  • Improved skin lustre
  • Weight-loss (if overweight)
  • Deep relaxation
  • Meditative outlook on life
  • Enhanced mindfulness

Panchakarma Treatment Procedure

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The complete process of Panchakarma involves the following three steps:


1. Poorva Karma

This is a preparatory procedure required before the main treatment, to soften the tissues so that the lipid-soluble toxins deposited into them are liquefied and flow back into the digestive tract. From here, they can be eliminated. This treatment prepares the patient mentally and physically for the main procedure of Panchakarma.

It involves three procedures:

  • Pachan Karma – improves digestion with herbs and fasting so that the patient can digest the ghee (clarified butter) which is provided to liquefy the fat-soluble toxins.
  • Snehan Karma – medicated ghee is given to the patient in increasing doses in order to aggravate and liquefy the fat-soluble toxins deposited in the deep tissues.
  • Swedan Karma – a full body steam bath is given to the patient thereby opening up the body channels and allowing the heat to liquefy the toxins further. This facilitates their movement from the tissues to the digestive tract.

2. Pradhan Karma

This is the Panchakarma, a five-step procedure which is highly individualized depending on the needs, age, digestive strength, immune system, and other factors. This intense Panchakarma procedure can only be done under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

The five karmas to cleanse the complete body are:

  • Vamanam (therapeutic emesis) – induced vomiting which helps clear the upper GI tract to the duodenum (end of the stomach) and a part of the respiratory tract.
  • Virechanam (purgation) – induced purgation clears the GI tract from the duodenum to the exit.
  • Anuvasana (enema using medicated oil) – the oil enema helps lubricate the rectal area and remove the lipid soluble waste out through the anus.
  • Nasyam – nasal inhalation of medicated substances which help clear the respiratory tract and the para nasal sinuses.

3. Paschaat Karma

This is a post-therapy dietary regime to restore the body’s digestive and absorptive capacity to its normal state. It includes rejuvenating treatments, lifestyle management, diet management, and intake of herbal supplements.

It includes the following procedures:

  • Sansarjan Karma – food therapy after detoxification, which aims at gradually increasing the patient’s diet from liquids to semi-solids to a normal diet.
  • Rasayan Adi Prayogam – a rejuvenating rasayan therapy which aids in increasing natural immunity and enhancing your general well-being.
  • Shaman Chikitsa – a pacification therapy with herbs and lifestyle management.

It is important to note that a panchakarma procedure is designed specifically for an individual after a thorough physical examination and pulse diagnosis.

Hence, there is no universal package for everybody. These treatments can take a minimum of 7 days and may last as long as 21 days.

Who Needs Panchakarma?

It is recommended to do a regular detox to flush out toxins and free radicals from the body. Detox can help in alleviating fatigue, digestive problems, skin disorders, headaches and other health issues. It also helps in boosting energy, improving mental clarity and getting rid of stress. Ayurveda therapies like Abhyangam, Shiroabhyanga, Padabhyanga, and Shirodhara help improve the body's overall balance and health, thus strengthening the body's ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. Detoxification is a safe and natural way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the help of effective curative programs such as detox programs, pain management, anxiety management and weight management, your body can be restored to a state of balance and harmony.


Certain Panchakarma procedures are not suitable for certain health problems and some procedures should not be performed on children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Panchakarma treatments should only be performed by qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioners.

Side Effects of Panchakarma

Common side effects of Panchakarma include fatigue, malaise, headaches, congestion, and general illness. An initial increase in the symptoms may also occur as a side effect.

It is also important to note that as Panchakarma seeks to release stored emotional problems, some patients can experience mental disturbances and depression during the course of treatment.

Reference Links



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We welcome the opportunity to assist you. If you would like to learn more about the health programs or therapies offered at YO1, please contact us to speak directly with a YO1 Longevity & Health Resorts representative.



Annalepam 2

Annalepam (Medicated Rice Therapy)

Annalepam therapy is an Ayurvedic treatment where rice is directly applied to an individual’s body. This treatment is used for vata and pitta disorders, rakta (blood) problems such as contamination, and inflammatory and degenerative diseases.


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The Benefits of Practicing Ayurveda

Ayurveda is based on the principle that to achieve and maintain health over the course of your life, you must re-balancing emotions, improve diet, practice yoga and “pranayama” (breathing exercises), and make lifestyle adjustments.



Live The Tranquil Life

YO1 Longevity & Health Resorts provides unspoilt nature that calms one down. The pristine lake, lush woodlands, the long nature trails and immense positivity relaxes mind, body and the soul.

What is Ayurveda?

Practiced by the great sages of ancient India, Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of holistic medicine defined as Knowledge of Life (Ayu meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge). It describes the healthy and unhealthy state of life (mind and body) and describes the methods of balancing unhealthy conditions. Ayurveda focuses on the wellness of every person as a whole. Since the constitution differs from person to person, the wellness therapies also differ and are unique to every individual.

What is Naturopathy?

Human beings have remarkable recuperative powers that can heal the body on its own without external chemical or surgical interference, which simply suppresses symptoms but does not heal nor remove the root cause of the disease. Naturopathy seeks to heal the body by promoting its own internal processes. Naturopathy gives importance to internal hygienic conditions using healing therapies such as Dietetics, Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, Reflexology, and Massage, among others.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a lifestyle, to be incorporated. It includes practices like Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra, Meditation etc.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic energy healing technique where a certified healer directs universal energy to the person who seeks healing. This restores your emotional, physical and spiritual energy.

What is included in your all-inclusive package?

If you choose our all-inclusive package, you will get a well-appointed luxurious room, Ayurvedic therapies, Naturopathic therapies ( hydrotherapy, massage, mud therapy, reflexology, dietetics) yoga sessions, acupuncture, all meals, all amenities, and a personal wellness consultation.

What types of food do you have?

Our culinary program is based on a wholesome, balanced and portioned diet. All of the food served at YO1 is locally sourced, organic, and sustainable. The ingredients that are used are free of harmful chemicals, alkaline, and genetic modification to create meals that promote an optimum state of health.

Where are you located?

We are located in the tranquil Catskills Mountains in Monticello, New York. Resting on over 1,300 acres of pristine landscape, including the historic and impressive Kutsher property, YO1 is easily accessible and offers guests the fresh air and serenity needed to make the profound changes in their lives that they are seeking.