A lifestyle that includes regular practice of yoga and meditation is on the pathway to achieving a more healthy and balanced life.
Yoga and meditation, both ancient practices are an important aspect of lifestyle management. The two have become very popular in Western culture as people face more and more stress due to the demands of life in general. For many, yoga and meditation is an escape from the pressures and demands of everyday life.
Yoga provides many other mental and physical benefits, and once established in practice, you find that you cannot start your day any other way.

Yoga Practice:

There are many types of Yoga practices and it’s important to choose one that’s suitable for your individual body. Here are a few of the basic yoga types:
Group Yoga refers to most types of yoga that are practised in the U.S. that involve
physical postures. Most Group Yoga classes will provide an introduction to basic yoga postures and should leave your muscles feeling loose and relaxed.

Ashtanga – An ancient and rigorous style of yoga that follows a specific sequence of postures that links every movement to a breath. The poses are performed in the same order each time. This is a physically demanding version of yoga. The best way to practice Yoga is to find a Yoga Retreat Center.

Iyengar Yoga – This type of yoga focuses on alignment and holding each pose correctly. You will often use blocks and straps to help keep your ailment correctly.

Restorative Yoga – A great way to use yoga for relaxation purposes. This type of yoga focuses on breathing and relaxation techniques. You will feel more relaxed and rejuvenated than ever before as Yoga is considered the most effective stress relief method of all.

Vinyasa Yoga – This type of yoga is known for fluid and intense movements. The focus of this type of yoga is also linking breath to movement.

Yoga has many benefits, both mental and physical. The physical benefits include improved circulation, increased muscle strength, increased flexibility, better posture, better breathing, improved concentration, increased mindfulness, weight loss, and much more.


Meditation the practice of focusing the mind on a particular object or thought. It is practised mainly for brain health. The point of meditation is to train the mind to ultimately achieve an emotionally calm and stable state of mind.

Like Yoga, there are many types of meditation practices, and each type of practice requires different skills.

There are many tools out there for beginners, such as meditation DVDs, meditation retreats, or meditations centres where you can sit with a group of people and meditate together.

Two basic types of meditation are Concentration and Mindfulness:
Concentration meditation involves focusing on a single point. This “point” could be your breath, a “mantra,” or even staring at a single object like a flame or using prayer beads to chant a word or phrase of your choice. You will start off meditating for a short period of time, and then gradually increase your practice.

Mindfulness meditation is different because you will be more like an observer on your thoughts. You should take note of the types of thoughts that enter and exit your mind and see what kinds of patterns they form.

Benefits of daily Meditation:
Increased relaxation
Lower blood pressure
Improved blood circulation
Lower heart rate
Less anxiety and stress
More mindfulness and feeling of being present

Simple Meditation Techniques for Beginners:
Sit with your legs crisscross on a cushion.
Close your eyes.
Breathe naturally and focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
Notice how your body moves with each breath.
If your mind wanders, return your focus to your breath.


Ayurvedic Elements 4

What are the Elements in Ayurveda and their Significance?

Ayurvedic principles state that the cosmos are compiled of the “Pancha Maha Bhutas” also known as the “Five Great Elements.”


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The Benefits of Practicing Ayurveda

Ayurveda is based on the principle that to achieve and maintain health over the course of your life, you must re-balancing emotions, improve diet, practice yoga and “pranayama” (breathing exercises), and make lifestyle adjustments.



Live The Tranquil Life

YO1 Longevity & Health Resorts provides unspoilt nature that calms one down. The pristine lake, lush woodlands, the long nature trails and immense positivity relaxes mind, body and the soul.


Please take a moment to fill out the form below with your contact information. A YO1 Longevity & Health Resorts representative will reach out to you with additional information.

What is Ayurveda?

Practiced by the great sages of ancient India, Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of holistic medicine defined as Knowledge of Life (Ayu meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge). It describes the healthy and unhealthy state of life (mind and body) and describes the methods of balancing unhealthy conditions. Ayurveda focuses on the wellness of every person as a whole. Since the constitution differs from person to person, the wellness therapies also differ and are unique to every individual.

What is Naturopathy?

Human beings have remarkable recuperative powers that can heal the body on its own without external chemical or surgical interference, which simply suppresses symptoms but does not heal nor remove the root cause of the disease. Naturopathy seeks to heal the body by promoting its own internal processes. Naturopathy gives importance to internal hygienic conditions using healing therapies such as Dietetics, Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, Reflexology, and Massage, among others.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a lifestyle, to be incorporated. It includes practices like Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra, Meditation etc.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic energy healing technique where a certified healer directs universal energy to the person who seeks healing. This restores your emotional, physical and spiritual energy.

What is included in your all-inclusive package?

If you choose our all-inclusive package, you will get a well-appointed luxurious room, Ayurvedic therapies, Naturopathic therapies ( hydrotherapy, massage, mud therapy, reflexology, dietetics) yoga sessions, acupuncture, all meals, all amenities, and a personal wellness consultation.

What types of food do you have?

Our culinary program is based on a wholesome, balanced and portioned diet. All of the food served at YO1 is locally sourced, organic, and sustainable. The ingredients that are used are free of harmful chemicals, alkaline, and genetic modification to create meals that promote an optimum state of health.

Where are you located?

We are located in the tranquil Catskills Mountains in Monticello, New York. Resting on over 1,300 acres of pristine landscape, including the historic and impressive Kutsher property, YO1 is easily accessible and offers guests the fresh air and serenity needed to make the profound changes in their lives that they are seeking.